Cleansing your Past
Living fully in the Present
Creating your Future
-Yael Eini-
Karmic Constellation is a therapy language that enables to heal relationships and, as a result, bring healing to the world.
Karmic Constellation is a method that uses representatives to learn about oneself.
By using representations, a person can explore, learn, heal and change their spiritual history, their soul's choices, energies, patterns and beliefs with which it came to this incarnation, and works to untangle and release our soul's 'baggage': contracts, vows, beliefs, traumas, etc. and any other hindrances in this current life. It is based on the belief that we are currently living in an age of karmic change and that we can change the karma with which we came into this life.
I have been an energetic therapist since 2003.
Over the years, through listening to Kryon's messages (channeled by Lee Carroll), I found myself drawn to the Akashic records and wanting to work with them.
Beyond working in guided imagination, I had no tools and I felt it was a very limited way.
In 2016, I completed my study in Family constellation at the Israeli School of Systemic Constellation and set out on my own path as a facilitator and teacher for Family constellation .
In 2017, I founded the “Constellation Lab” - an investigation space based on the constellation principles that explore issues that are not related to constellation. These investigations led me to experiment working with the Akashic records in tools of family constellation.
Since then I have been working with the Karmic constellation in parallel with the Family constellation.