aggressor-victim roles does not exist in spiritual world
More about my work
By Yael Eini
Questions my father asked me about my karmic work
Our cosmic lineage
Working with our 24th chromosome
What happend in my past life?
It’s always easier to be the facilitator than to really take care of yourself, right?
Why don't I succeed with groups
Can we undertake the chain of punishments between father and son?
Innate inner wisdom
The Council between lives
What happens when everyone wants attention at the same time, and how can this be resolved in therapy
Karmic Constellation as therapy
Each woman should have her own female lineage
I see my mother differently
Karmic constellation training
Why should you learn Karmic Constellation or come for personal sessions?
Working on my emotional body
I didn't want to come to this life at all
Is it clear to you how to make money to reach you?
An Interview on ZIESOO channel