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Birth trauma can be treated through previous incarnations!

Yael Eini

It all started from reading the book Other Lives, Other Selves by Dr. Roger Woolger, a Jungian psychologist who researched reincarnation.

In this book, he shows a connection between birth traumas and previous incarnations.

Hmm...that’s interesting, I thought to myself, I work a lot with birth traumas and their impact on this life.

In my work in the clinic, I have often seen that patterns of avoidant behavior, social anxiety, and also violent behavior, stem from the birth traumas we suffered as babies.

I do quite a lot of Family Constellations on this, and the link to past lives intrigued me –

So I did two Systemic Labs on the subject, and also a full therapy session with my student. This, knowing that my student’s mother's pregnancy with her was traumatic, as was her birth, and our learning was moving!

This is what I discovered in the face-to-face Systemic Lab session:

·      When we set up a representation for birth trauma, the representation almost always becomes the mother, unless you specify it as “My birth trauma.”

·      If the representation for “Me” feels drugged or on medication, it is also related to the mother.

·      Birth trauma can produce or trigger memories of soul fragments, and then we need to connect to the soul fragment.

The therapy session was very different from the face-to-face Lab session.

In the therapy session, the client presented a theme that governs her life, and in her opinion, is connected to past lives.

When I asked the theme how many incarnations it belongs to, ten incarnations came up.

Of these, we worked on three essential ones, with the last presenting itself as the one who started it all.

The face-to-face Lab session and the therapy session made me want to work without the mother, and to look for the themes within the field rather than having me or the client add them.

That’s why, in another lab I facilitated, I set up a representation for the way in which the trauma affected the client’s life, and the information from the field came either from the trauma, from the way in which the trauma had an impact, or from the birth story itself.

And when the information about the theme governing the lives of each participant in the lab emerged, I often set up a representation for the significant incarnation related to that theme.

A lot of information came from the field, some of it new and surprising, and some based on knowledge I already had.

At the same time, I feel that great new healing potential has opened up for me.

The treatment of birth trauma through past lives can bring a lot of peace to the field, and significantly change the quality of life of the people who attend this kind of session.


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