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Completing karma

Yael Eini

Our past often “haunts” us; the promises we made or were made to us. The fears that accompanied us in a previous incarnation, in another life, accompany us in our current life.

“Completing karma,” as I see it, is intended for overcoming the fears and pain that occurred in a previous incarnation, and for fulfilling promises or being released from them.

For this, we were incarnated as a soul.

However, we can’t always and it’s not always easy for us to overcome things. Sometimes we remain stuck with the energy from the past, sometimes our soul takes on tasks that in the moment of truth, in its embodiment in the body, it chooses not to implement or has difficulty implementing.

And maybe it’s not the soul…. Maybe the combination between the soul and the body and the human consciousness is what has the right to choose.

And then we come to this world in order to progress and develop, but what happens to us sometimes holds us firmly and doesn’t enable us to do this.

That’s okay, that’s what we have more incarnations for. We aren’t in this incarnation to complete all our open karmas. We’re here to release them, one by one.

We also never know what “to complete our karma” means.

Does feeling stuck all my life mean that I’ve completed my karma, or am I stuck?

There are things that we’ll only know when we return to the world of souls and  see our soul plan in full.

And still, we are here to grow and develop, to learn more and to release; to release traumas from this incarnation and from previous incarnations so that in this incarnation, as long as we’re in a human body, we can live our lives more easily and less heavily.


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