You talk about making decisions, but there’s no decision to make here, there’s the expectation to be in a particular place, to receive particular treatment, to succeed in something particular, to satisfy a particular need of your own and perhaps of others. This isn’t about making a decision, but rather about satisfying a need.
And then the question arises: Which need outweighs which? Which need in you is greater? And whose need is it?

You’re so distant from yourself that you often find it hard to answer the question, “What would you yourself like?”
There are advantages in this place that’s distant from itself. You’re a tribe, and in order to survive, the individual in society has to be considerate toward society. There’s no place now and there was no place throughout history for an individual to be themselves. Because being an individual meant being dead, and the individual’s needs and desires were buried under the cloak of society, and society has a tendency to be somewhat heavy handed. Society as society doesn’t look at the individual. Society as society looks at itself and listens to the strongest voices in it.
For the individual to achieve self-fulfillment, they have to go against society. This comes with a price and it will always will. And at the same time, listening to ourselves is what brings us to the places we want to be.
The question’s not what decision to make, and when you take a political perspective, much is unknown and so you don’t understand these decisions. The considerations in these decisions encompass so many areas of life and vested interests and considerations that the individual has no choice but to give in to the answer they receive, to the decision that’s made. We aren’t here to say whether a decision is good or bad, whether it’s right or wrong. We’re here only to present and show the limited point of view of the individual in the group.
The forces that drive the group are great and many, and the individual is one, often small and negligible.
Where are you to go? Wherever your heart desires. The expectations that say, “I should have been elsewhere, I want to be elsewhere” are expectations that are arguing with reality. You’re precisely where you are and you need to act from there.
From there, you need to act in order to get to the place you want to reach, and that will be the consideration that drives you.
But reality isn’t where I was, it’s where I am. And I make all my decisions from where I am, and this can drive me to where I want to go or leave me where I am.
Decision-making is something that involves so many considerations, most of them unconscious. We think we know what we’re doing, and at the same time the forces that drive us to act one way or another are like undercurrents in the sea. You may see the waves above, but you can’t see all the waves that caused these waves to reach a particular shore even though they’re the ones that led the waves. Therefore, before you act, give your heart a moment to lead. Be aware that every choice you make has consequences. We believe that when you become aware of these consequences, it’ll be easier for you to make decisions.
The noises are part of those undercurrents, and if you see them and study them, they stop being noise. You can ride them like a wave. Leverage them and use them. The question is how willing you are to do this. This is a personal and yet universal message, since questions about self-fulfillment, which are what you’re actually asking, are questions that concern the individual. And even though the group benefits from the individual’s self-fulfillment, if the individual’s self-fulfillment conflicts with the group’s needs, the group will do anything to prevent it from occurring. And the individual must be strong if they want to fulfill themselves; if they’re willing to take on and live the results that going against the group will attain. There’s no right or wrong here. There’s going deep in order to choose your way.
We’re here to support you in all you do; to remind you that there’s no right or wrong.
The inner essence of your soul, supported by the Group.
We’re here for you.
Question: What does the expression “The noises are part of those undercurrents” mean?
What moves the sea are the undercurrents, and the sea doesn’t fight them. The sea doesn’t say to the cold current “Don’t come now, it’s not your season.” It gives in and goes.
That’s how disasters can happen to a person, that’s how things happens in the sea: The living dies and at the same time new life grows.
The undercurrent directs the sea. The noises are an invitation and opportunity to see where you’re pointed, where the currents are directing you. You can ride the noises. By saying this we mean not being a ping pong ball that with every strike goes where the bat sends it. Riding the noises means understanding what they are, who they are; what they are to you; why this noise and not another? And what is this noise asking of you? Or we could say, what is it there to teach you? That’s called riding the noise instead of resisting it. Because when you resist it, think that the wave can’t be resisted. Those who go against the waves get hurt. For a person who goes against the wave, it hurts. Going against the current is painful.
On the other hand, finding out what the current has to tell you and the current’s way of finding your route is much more harmonious.
Everything happens to you for your own good. It flows. Noises are a current, the question is, do you ride or resist them?
We’ll also say, since “being in my place” was mentioned, that resistance usually takes us away from our places. Flow allows us to reach places that are more suitable for us. Saying that, it’s easier for a person to resist than to stop and check how they can ride the wave and get to a place that serves them much better.
This is our message to you and this is our answer.