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On treatment that started out as a Family Constellation, and turned into a Karmic Constellation...

Yael Eini

Ruti (a pseudonym) has been my client for close on a year.

She’s having difficulty sleeping, and we decide to do a Constellation on it.

It’s not the first time we’ve done a Constellation during treatment, as we’ve found that the Constellation clears a lot of energies and challenges for Ruti; energies and challenges that she carries with her from her family past and that affect her in this life.

We decide to do a Family Constellation.

In the Family Constellation, sleep problems are attributed to feelings of guilt, which run in the lineage.

Ruti sets up three representations: for herself, for her difficulty, and for sleep. When she stands on her representation, something very interesting happens—a cat appears in her mind.

This happens several times, which leads me to feel that this is probably what should be happening, and that this is really a Karmic Constellation, not a Family Constellation.


Because Ruti doesn’t have a cat and has never had a cat.

A cat is an archetypal animal that represents energetic work, and in many places is also attributed to witches.

We change our perception from a family perception to a karmic perception of reincarnations.

The session progresses, we set up more representations on the floor, and a story emerges from them:

In a past life, Ruti, was responsible for the stoning of a girl, which resulted in the girl’s death.

Causing someone’s death, other than during war or in self-defense, can cause a disconnection; detachment from the soul, and feelings of guilt pass not only through the lineage but also through the karma:

I took someone’s life, so at some point,  my soul will have experience the desire to take my own life.

There are many ways we can take our lives: by committing suicide, having a road accident, experiencing clinical depression, doing high-risk activities, and more.

Every soul and body has its own unique ways and lessons for overcoming karmic guilt.

And this part, which feels guilty, needs to be acknowledged because it haunts us and affects us throughout all our incarnations.

Thus, during this Karmic Constellation session, we remove the heavy burden of guilt from Ruti’s shoulders, return the responsibility to her previous incarnation. The representation for sleep now feels like normal, natural sleep.

It contains no more fear, no more anxiety, no more difficulty.

Just blessed sleep.


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