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Our relationship with our body is complex.

Yael Eini

Me, my soul and my body... Our relationship with our body is so complex. We have so many different perceptions of it. And we often have a complex relationship with our soul as well.

I lead a Systemic Lab workshop.

There are many things I wish to explore about “me, my body and my soul”, but I decided to start only with the relationship between these three: what will happen if I put “me”, “my soul” and “my body” in the constellation space?

Stories emerge.

Stories about traumas from previous lives, stories about opposing qualities between the soul and the body, and the relationship with “me”.

We explore these stories and their effects on each of the participating elements.

We place representations for the trauma and the soul’s choice, and the energy changes.

What did I learn from this lab?

** That it is all very individual – splits between the body, the soul, and the self (me) happen for all kinds of reasons. There is no one reason or theme that is right for everyone. Each person with his or her own causes. 

It also reinforced three things for me, which I already knew but are always interesting to experience again:

** The soul chooses the body – it knows where it is going, and it has a reason for choosing a particular body. When we shed light on this concept, suddenly a change emerges in its behavior.

** Trauma, whether from this life or from previous lives, causes a split between the body and the soul and also between the “me” and the body and the soul. When working on trauma, even if we don’t know exactly what happened, we can put the pieces back together.

** A dialogue between the body, the soul and the “me” can teach us a lot about ourselves, about things we should acknowledge and about which of the three should get validation. Just as we teach Nonviolent Communication and how to speak to each other, because we use different languages. The same goes for the body and the soul who speak different languages and often need us to reconnect between them. There are many ways to do so, depending on what they need.

I always experience and learn new things in my lab sessions,

No wonder I love them so much.


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