You tend to see yourselves as individuals, as unique people. You really don’t understand that even if you’re so far apart, you’re always together, and there’s no such thing as being truly alone. Even if the feeling is very real, we don’t want to deny the feeling that a person feels alone.

Yael, when you say that you have a hard time with partnerships, you’re ignoring the fact that you’ve never been alone; that you’re always in a partnership, you’re all always in a partnership. You just don’t define it that way. It’s partnership that’s more than with another human being, more than a good friend or relationship, your whole life is an act of partnership by virtue of being the children of... You are partners to your parents. Even if they’re orphans.
Everything is done in partnership and everything is done in coordination with the blessed creation. You aren’t alone, you’ve never been alone. And yes, we know that human partnership is different from spiritual partnership. And the partnership of a couple is not like a partnership between friends or a business partnership or a family partnership. And still, it all involves two if not more parties. And if you claim that you have difficulty with the work of two people, we want to check with you, we invite you to check if this is always the case.
How is your relationship with your parents? With your mother? With your father? With one of your siblings? Are all your relationships in the world difficult? Or is there at least one relationship that’s good? What’s good about it? What in it works? What in it allows you to be in partnership and together? Take that, and apply it to any other experience and you’ll never feel alone again.
Take a relationship between two that’s good for you and supports you and assimilate it into any other relationship, human or energetic. You’ll see that it’s simpler than you think. Take and explore what helped you reach that relationship. What communication did it involve? How was trust built? owhow howhow What did it take? Because relationships are always something that requires work.
Whatever it took for you to get to a place of being comfortable with that person, apply that to every other relationship. When you want to create partnerships, even if it seems like you’re doing it from scratch, you aren’t. You have the knowledge to do it. Take that knowledge from your good relationships into your new relationships.
In the end, everyone is human, even if their culture differs; even if their language differs. The heart doesn’t. And people’s desire for real and open relationships exists in all cultures. Even in cultures that don’t encourage it.
Partnership is dialogue and communication, and if it exists with an open heart, there’s no reason why it can’t do well. If you have a true desire for dialogue, a true desire to walk together, for reciprocity, for a balance between receiving and giving, there’s no reason why it can’t work. So when you’re creating partnerships in life, whether as a couple, with new friends, or in business, go for a moment to a partnership that’s already working for you, lean on it, draw knowledge from it, and take this energy to the new thing that you’re creating.
You are never alone, you never have been, and you never will be.
We are with you always
The Group