In general, I feel that the use of the term "family karma" is incorrect, so let's understand these two concepts.

· Family karma = intergenerational transmission, which is what family constellation deals with.
Therefore, the right way to talk about it, in my opinion, is to address intergenerational transmission – occurrences that repeat themselves from one generation to another and have an impact on us, our parents, our uncles, etc.
· Personal-spiritual karma is about our choice of family, and the spiritual lessons we came to learn.
This can be related to your family lineage, and in the same way, it can be unrelated to your family.
Karmic constellation work may often involve personal issues that, not touching upon family issues at all – and yet somehow solving those too.
· When is the right time to attend a family constellation session?
v When you witness intergenerational transmission – when you feel that what is happening to you has also happened in previous generations, and you are merely repeating the same patterns.
v When you want to improve or work on your relationship with your parents.
· When is the right time to attend a karmic constellation session?
v When you’ve tried different methods and nothing worked - the hard feelings are still there.
v When you feel that the cause of your problem is from somewhere else (a different life or planet).
v When you’ve worked on your relationship with your parents in family constellation sessions, but nothing has changed.