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Suicides - A channeled message from The Group

Yael Eini

We are here to talk about life, and life in this aspect is a continuum. It doesn’t matter at all how you end your life. There are living people who aren’t alive. Life is a continuum.

What is suicide? Suicide is a choice to stop the pain, not the continuum. We’ll say that suicide is seared into the person’s being, the soul, and it will be a quote-unquote “chore” that the person or soul must overcome.

There is no death. There is no death. There is only life.

Throughout your history, suicides have been perceived in various ways. In the past it was an act of honor and a dignified way to end some lives. It was a respectable way to avoid shame. Today, committing suicide is considered shameful.

Your fear of death is so great that you place a stigma on this way.

People commit suicide in all kinds of ways. Anorexia is one. There are so many ways to die. There’s the slow, long, agonizing, and painful death. And you choose to look at immediate death as unnatural. What defines this is the pain and helplessness. It’s the person’s choice over their life, their conscious choice over their life. You’re distinguishing it from other ways of dying that are not the person’s conscious choice.

You are so experienced at avoiding pain, dear ones. You are trying so hard to avoid pain that you’ve removed every place that might hurt. You’ve outlawed it. But this doesn’t reduce the pain. It doesn’t change it. It doesn’t stop people from taking their own lives.

As far as the soul’s concerned, this is another experience. It’s no more or less, for example, than dying in battle.

Yael is asking us to offer information that she doesn’t know, she wants to feel that the messages that are being received are indeed from The Group and not from her overactive mind and knowledge she already has. Saying that, we’ll say that we don’t have anything to add. What Yael believes in is appropriate. What Yael has read about is appropriate.

There is a lot of suffering in taking your life into your own hands in these times. And this suffering, like any other trauma, goes everywhere with the soul until it overcomes it. In this respect, suicide is like any other trauma. It’s a behavior type and it remains on the person, on the soul, in order for the soul to overcome it.

This isn’t punishment, there’s no right or wrong here. There’s no less or more here. What there is, is a lot of pain that the person can’t cope with. This pain will ask for an answer in the following incarnations in order to resolve it. Let’s say that suicide isn’t the answer. It’s not the answer because it’s an act of coping that doesn’t involve coping. And at the same time, we respect the choice.

The soul, the consciousness, and the body that chose to take their own life will return, and in one way or another have to deal with the pain they left behind. This is always true. This is true of suicide as it’s true of many other things. We don’t view suicide as different from any other process, any other soul work or any other traumatic work.

Where there is pain in some lives, and that pain hasn’t been treated and doesn’t work, it’ll pass on with the soul to the next incarnation. It’ll find ways to express itself.

We are here to support you as you search, question, reflect, and make mistakes before reaching the right path for you and your soul.

We are The Group.


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