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The Essence of Love - A channeled message from The Group about love:

Yael Eini

When you want to know about love, at that very moment something in you opens up. Something in this vehicle called Yael has opened, and she’s already open to receive. Something is softening in her eyes, in her being. This is the essence of love; of tenderness and acceptance.

Love comes in many forms, and in a nutshell, looking at someone with loving eyes, with true love, is the ability to see that person as they are. It’s not putting them on a pedestal, it’s not seeing what pains them. It’s seeing their true essence.

This is a skill that every person has, and at the same time, you put so many masks and screens and shells between you and the other person, and these blind you and hide your heart.

What is love? Love is perception, it is consciousness, it is being, and it is also chemicals. It is everything, but it can’t really be quantified. It can, however, be practiced. You can learn to look through good eyes, first at yourself, and then if you have children, at your children, and at your partner.

Real practice is gained by looking at your parents and being filled with love for them. Not a child’s love, and not compassion because with compassion comes pity.

Although pity and compassion are not meant to go together, for many people they often come hand in hand. When you look with love, you see the human being as a human being and as a unique, divine being. That’s the true essence of love, and it’s possible. Perhaps not every day, perhaps not all day. It’s something that has to be practiced.

To be within love is to accept who you are, to agree with who you are. It’s to accept the other; to agree with them, even when disagreeing with their actions. You may not agree with their actions, but see them as human beings; see them as a creation of God; see them as one of you.

You are all love, and in love there is no good and bad, there is unity. This unity doesn’t mean that we’re all one, it’s the ability to see the beauty in each and every person.

You arrive in a world where love is taken from you almost as soon as you arrive. Few are the human beings who receive love; who experience love all their lives.

We, the feminine energy of the Group, want to tell you that you all deserve love. You are loved merely for being. There is no soul that is not loved by Creation; that was not created with divine intention and connection. You are all part of Creation. You are all loved. But the shells and pain of your parents, of society, of culture, often prevent you from seeing it, and so you grow up with the feeling that you aren’t loved, that you aren’t beloved. And then it’s hard for you to give love and to be in the frequency of love. Dear ones, release your parents, free the culture, society.

Love is a choice. Ask Creation to know what love is, and be open to it. If at first it doesn’t come, practice 5, 6, 20 times.

This vehicle called Yael asked many times what love is, and didn’t receive it. And now when the question is being asked from outside, she physically feels it. Her eyes have softened, her heart has opened. In her being, she now knows what love is. If she just practices it every day for herself, for her children, for her partner, or for her mother, she will be able to live it more and more.

Love is many things. First of all it begins with loving yourself and accepting yourself just as you are; accepting who you are, the good and the bad.

Love doesn’t talk about self-improvement, it talks about full and absolute acceptance. Then you can look at the other and accept them as they are. It takes practice, it’s not easy, we know. And saying that, it’s a very significant part of humankind’s development.

Practice love. That way you’ll change your consciousness and the consciousness of the people around you.

If this is a struggle for you, ask your God, your Goddess, to come and support you. All the heavenly bodies, all the divine beings, all the masters, are just waiting for your request to share with you this being of love to help you open up to it.

Because after the wars and after the traumas and after the intergenerational transference, and the purpose, and the mission, comes love. If you attain it earlier, it helps the traumas to heal faster. It helps the purpose to exist, and you to live up to your fuller potential.

Practice, dear people. Ask for help from your Creation, from your God, from your Divine spirit. From Holy Mary, from any being that is holy to you, ask them to teach you love. And feel it firstly inside your body, and ask to be the being that you feel: their big-heartedness, the tenderness in their eyes, and the knowledge that you are loved.

You are blessed, all you have to do is remember that.

The Feminine Energy of the Group.



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