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The Journey of Souls - A channeled message from 'The Group'

Yael Eini

The journey of souls is an inappropriate name for the being of what you are going through. There is no doubt that in human perception, this is the most appropriate name, but the soul does not go through a journey. The soul is being, literally the being. It is itself, and whatever it experiences with joy it experiences, the horrors, too. This doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have to go through a period of recovery, but there is joy in the richness of the experiences.

You can imagine the journey of souls like a zipline. To get on a zipline, other than all the safety regulations and the rope that’s there for you, you have to wear head protection, you have to hang onto chains, and when you approach the zipline, well each person approaches it differently. For example, Yael has a fear of heights, others are adrenaline junkies, and others are having the experience for the first time.

For some it’s the 10th or 20th or 30th time, and every experience is different. But no one will say that they went on a zipline journey. The zipline is an adventure. And so is descending to this planet.

If you want to talk about something, talk about the soul’s choice.

Talk about the soul’s choice of it’s being these days. You are of great significance, and you are yet to internalize this. All the residents of Israel, Jews and Arabs, you are in essence the greatest emissaries; the greatest peace seekers. But through pettiness, you have become lost in narratives and in the sanctity of the land. This is taking it at face value, it’s not interpreting it.


The split that seemingly happened between the Jews and the Arabs in 1947, the human split, created a very deep rift in the essence of all of your souls, Jews and Arabs.

We ask you to go back to the sources, and the sources are not Isaac and Ishmael who were brothers, the source is Cain and Abel and Seth. You are all descendants of Adam and Eve. One brother is no better than the other. Yet you are different. Your DNA is different, your narratives are different. That’s what differentiates one person from another. The year 1947 created a deep rift and increased the differentiation.

This is the time for inner peace, first of all with yourselves and then with your neighbors. We understand your fear, we understand the danger of war. True courage, your real choice, is to act from within it and despite it. The goal is to act from within it and despite it; to attain agreement and to be here together, for the day when the borders will fall—because they will fall.

It is people who make borders, and they split, they’re a separation. The land has no borders, even the sea can’t be delimited. It comes and rises and takes over and floods, or drops, allowing treasures to be discovered. Because it’s all one land with different layers at different depths.

You have chosen to be Jews and Arabs here, to offer a new consciousness. This is confusing because the pain is great, and so is the fear.

Consciousness is something that is built, stone by stone. The story of the exodus from Egypt—even if the story itself happened once, what made it significant was the fact that it was told over and over and over again.

What are the stories of your new consciousness? Now, within the chaos, is the time to create them. Create stories of a new consciousness of comradeship, of identity, of love of good and benevolent siblinghood; of supportive parenting.

Stop fighting for the love of God, the eternal father. God loves you all equally.

We bless you with love, we ask and want you to take this love into your being, and to make it a way of life.


We are The Group.


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