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These are the things Ethan taught me in His Karmic constellation about this Marrige

Yael Eini

Remember Ethan, who wanted to work with karmic constellation to save his marriage? (This is the post I wrote about him:

True, he ended up divorced, but still he felt that the karmic work supported him and gave him strength in the process of divorce.

Read about it here

My work with Ethan was a fascinating process, which taught me some very important lessons:

·     In a human perspective – aggressor-victim relationships are perceived as an imposed reality, while in a spiritual perspective it is chosen.

·      Soul contracts are made to support our soul lessons.

·      We don't always realize our spiritual lesson, or pass it successfully. Often, breaking a cycle or successfully passing a lesson requires several lifetimes.

·      Our partners deliberately come to support us in our lessons, even if their support is by causing pain, and we do the same for them.

·       We can learn, grow and evolve, and change our lesson or contract right here and now. We don't have to wait an entire lifetime for this to happen.

·       Karmic work provides insights and knowledge, and even more - creates a real change in life.


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